1: Introduction Discover the fascinating world of hummingbirds with insights into their lifespan and life cycle.

2: Lifespan Hummingbirds live an average of 3-5 years in the wild, with some species reaching up to 10 years.

3: Life Cycle From egg to fledgling, hummingbirds go through stages of hatching, feeding, and learning to fly in just a few weeks.

4: Nesting Female hummingbirds build intricate nests using spider silk and plant fibers, ensuring a safe environment for their young.

5: Feeding Hummingbirds consume nectar from flowers and insects for protein, constantly seeking food sources to sustain their energy.

6: Migration Certain species of hummingbirds migrate thousands of miles each year to find suitable breeding and feeding grounds.

7: Adaptations With unique capabilities like hovering and rapid flight, hummingbirds have evolved to excel in their ecosystem.

8: Threats Climate change, habitat loss, and pesticides pose threats to hummingbird populations, affecting their survival.

9: Conservation Learn how you can help protect hummingbirds by planting native flowers, reducing pesticides, and supporting conservation efforts.