Shade-Tolerant Flowering Plants: Choose shade-tolerant flowering plants like Columbine, Coral Bells, and Foxglove.
Berry-Producing Shrubs: Incorporate berry-producing shrubs such as Serviceberry, Elderberry, and Viburnum.
Native Grasses and Ferns: Plant native grasses and ferns like Pennsylvania Sedge and Maidenhair Fern in shaded areas.
Groundcovers for Pollinators: Use groundcovers like Wild Ginger and Creeping Jenny, which thrive in shade and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
Shade-Loving Vines: Add shade-tolerant vines such as Trumpet Vine and Virginia Creeper.
Host Plants for Caterpillars: Plant host plants like Wild Geranium and Woodland Phlox, which caterpillars of various butterfly species rely on.
Water Features in the Shade: Consider adding a water feature, such as a birdbath or small pond, in shaded areas.